Nation Wide Shipping:

Nation Wide Shipping Time Delivery within 10 Working Days.

Shipping Partners are TCS, Leopard, GPO and Trax.

Payment Method:

Credit/debit card and Cash Upon Delivery.


International Shipping:

International Shipping Time Period  Delivery within 21-35 Working Days.

Shipping Partners are FedEx and DHL.

Payment Method:

Credit/debit card only


Shipping Terms & Condition :

(1) Our following Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Payment shall be applicable to all commercial transactions.

(2) Our Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Payment shall apply exclusively. We shall not accept terms and conditions of the customer that conflict with or deviate from our Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Payment, unless we have given our express written consent to their application.

(3) Collateral agreements, amendments to these terms and conditions as well as deviations from these terms and conditions must be agreed upon in writing.

(4) Our offers shall be subject to change without notice, unless otherwise expressly agreed upon. The contract shall come into being when we receive the order confirmation signed by the customer, but no later than when the customer takes receipt of the goods. In this case, the terms and conditions communicated to the customer shall apply.

Purchase Price

(1) The agreed prices, in the respective currency, shall b ex-works prices exclusive of value- added tax, which shall be added at the statutory rate valid on the day of delivery. Packaging, transportation, insurance and other incidental expenses shall not be included in the price, and shall be billed separately. Any charges, taxes, customs duties or other lavies in connection with delivery shall be borne by the customer.

(2) The weights, numbers of units and quantities ascertained by us for calculating the purchase price shall apply, unless the customer objects thereto without undue delay, but not later than within 14 days of receipt.

(3) If we generally reduce or increase our price during the term of the contract, the altered prices shall apply to the quantities yet to be purchased. In the case of a price increase, the customer shall be entitled to rescind the contract by written declaration without undue delay, but no later than within three working days of receipt of notification of the Price increase. Rescission shall not apply to deliveries made prior to receipt of such declaration of rescission.


(1) The customer shall collect the goods by the agreed delivery deadline or, if a delivery deadline has not been firmly agreed upon, without undue delay after receipt of notification that the goods are ready for collection at the agreed place of performance. If the customer defaults on taking receipt of the goods, we may at our own option and at the customer’s expense, ship the goods to the customer’s address, store the goods (insofar as no other possibility exists, also in the open air if need be) or rescind the contract, and assert damages. If the customer defaults on taking receipt of the goods, we shall not be liable for accidental destuction of, loss of or damage to the goods. In the event that the goods are stored, the delivery shall be deemed to have been made, and we shall be entitled to invoice for the goods after one week.

(2) If, contrary to subsection 1, it is agreed that we shall ship the goods, transportation shall occur at the customer’s expense, and we shall, in the absence of a specific instruction, choose the means of transportation and the route on the basis of our discretion. The risk shall pass to the customer at the time when we hand over the goods to the carrier.

(3) Delivery periods specified shall always be non-binding. Fixed delivery Deadlines shall requireIn the case that goods are delivered in loaned containers, the latter must be returned to us completely empty and carriage paid within 90 days of receipt of delivery. The costs of loss of or damages to loaned packaging will be borne by the customer in the case that he/she is responsible for it/them.

Retention of Title

(1) We shall retain title to the delivery item until the purchase price has been fully paid and all claims arising from the current business relations with the customer, along with interest, reminder charges, debt recovery charges, court charges and the like have been fully satisfied.

(2) At our request, the customer shall provide us with all necessary information concerning the existence of the goods owned by us and concerning the claims assigned to us, and shall inform customers of this assignment.